Our Leadership

We believe that the Bible is clear when it comes to the leadership in the church.  Paul was faithful to appointing proper leadership and maintaining healthy relationships with church leadership in his encouragement, prayers, and meeting together.  The Bible clearly identifies the two offices of church leadership - Elders and Deacons (1 Timothy 3:1-13).  It is in all humility and honor to our God that we faithfully serve and hold this office for God’s glory and the good of His church.


David Brummel - Pastor

David has been pastoring at Grace Baptist Church since 2009. He is married to Kara (26 years in July) and they have been blessed with 4 wonderful children. In addition to serving as pastor, David has served as a school teacher since 1997. It has been his joy to serve the Lord and he is thankful for the gifts that God has so graciously given.


chad halter - Pastor


Blake tenkhoff - deacon