You might be asking, what is a confession?  It is a statement that one has that summarizes what one believes.  Maybe the question that needs to be answered first is - ‘Why are we confessional’?  We are confessional because we believe that it is important to have clear definitions and directions when it comes to what we believe the Bible teaches.  We believe that we live in a time in which there is a seeking of  ‘many doctrines’ and there is an absence of truth, standard, and clarity.  It is important to note that having a confession does not dismiss the authority of God’s Word or attempt to have a document that shares such authority with God’s Word.  God’s Word is sufficient and stands alone.  It is because of such a high regard of God’s Word, that we find it most helpful to have a ‘compass’ that allows us to clearly and concisely identify what the Bible speaks of and teaches us in regards to our doctrine both in knowledge and practice.

Our confession, as a Reformed Baptist Church is the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689).  Historically, it was widely recognized as the most important Baptist Confession written in the English language as it arrived upon the shores of our country after crossing the Atlantic.  We echo the early Baptist congregations, in that this confession defines our ‘theological identity.’